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Be Dangerously C.U.T.E. with Jen Hardy


What do faith and fear have in common? —  They both stem from things we cannot see. Where you’re putting your energy is what makes the difference. Master Certified NLP Coach Jen Hardy learned that the life we desire is on the other side of fear. It may be a hard journey to take, but it can be simple and doable on our part. In this episode, Jen relates how a simple 5-minute conversation changed her life and the lives of others who applied this simple rule. Daniel and Jen also share tangible practical steps we can take to combat fear, unleash our power, and be DANGEROUSLY C.U.T.E. Learn what CUTE stands for and how these values can help us create our reality! 

“All the things that you have that you don't want, you're creating them. But also all the things that you do have that you do want, you are creating them. We create our reality.” -Jen Hardy

Episode Highlights
  • 03:24 Dangerously CUTE
  • 08:26 Tap Into the Courage Inside 
  • 13:15 How to Overcome the Fear
  • 19:41 You’re Never Too Old
  • 27:17 You Create Your Reality 
  • 30:13 On the Other Side of Responsibility 
  • 36:15 Leap and the Net Will Appear




About Jen Hardy:

Jen Hardy is the Executive Director of Dangerously C.U.T.E.. As a Master Certified NLP Coach, a certified NLP Trainer (,fitness coach and ex-public school educator/coach) Jen, will bring in more mindset training at D.C. to expand our approach to educating the entirety of women, not just the physical aspects. To support women to discover the root cause of what stops them from self advocating, stepping up , speaking out and even fighting back.


04:41 “There’s way more than just the physicality of learning self-defense, it’s very mental as well.” -Jen Hardy 

05:31 “Successful people in life act in spite of fear.” -Daniel Gomez 

06:26 “You are a nurturer at heart but you are also the fierce protector when it’s necessary.” -Jen Hardy

10:02 “Stop focusing on the obstacles that are in front of you… Focus on the end in mind.” -Daniel Gomez 

11:14 ”[Both in] faith and fears, you’re giving energy to one thing that hasn’t happened yet. You can either have faith or you can have fear, they’re the flip coin of the same thing. It’s just where you put in your energy.” -Jen Hardy  

14:52 “As adults, we lose our creativity, we lose our imagination. You have to be like a kid sometimes and go back to those days when you would play and allow yourself to dream without limitations.” -Daniel Gomez

16:22 “If you believe about manifestation and creating the life you want, imagination is literally THE key.” -Jen Hardy

17:37 “All the things that you have that you don’t want, you’re creating them. But also all the things that you do have that you do want, you are creating them. We create our reality.” -Jen Hardy

28:17 “These unconscious stories that we create when we’re children start attracting more of it to come into our lives to prove it to be true when it’s not!”  -Jen Hardy

29:23 “We as humans are way more resilient than we give ourselves credit for. We’re capable of literally anything we put our mind to. We just have to choose to put our mind to it.” -Jen Hardy

31:17 “Everything you want is on the other side of responsibility. It’s a beautiful place to be willing to go. It’s hard sometimes and that’s okay.” -Jen Hardy

31:51 “Life doesn’t just happen to you, you create it.” -Daniel Gomez