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How to Gain a Blazing Momentum Despite Adversities with Jordan Mendoza


Better not bitter, victor not victim– Adversities affect every person in different ways. However, it is highly dependent on the person, as opposed to the adversity itself. They may put us on a pause, but they are never intended to make us stop. Learn how to release the bitterness and regain your momentum with “The Trailblazer”, Jordan Mendoza. Tune in as Daniel and Jordan share lessons on taking control over your circumstances, navigating instability, impacting others through your experiences, building relationships, and being authentic. You have a lot of opportunities in front of you. Perfect your skills and achieve the level of success that you deserve.  

“The struggle might be real but the good news is that every struggle has a free gift called a lesson.” - Jordan Mendoza

Episode Highlights
  • 05:01 Take Control Of Your Circumstances
  • 09:51 Don’t Stay Comfortable, Create Your Momentum 
  • 18:49 Instability Creates Stability
  • 23:05 How to Impact Others
  • 28:13 Inspire One Person A Day
  • 35:06 Building Relationships
  • 37:07 Be Real



About Jordan:

Jordan Mendoza is the founder and CEO of “Blaze Your Own Trail Consulting”. Jordan helps entrepreneurs grow their business through strategic marketing, sales and leadership consulting.

In April of 2019, Jordan started creating content on LinkedIn and quickly realized the power of organic reach. By December, he had amassed 20k followers using the strategy he teaches his clients. Early 2021, he had an active and engaged audience of 61k plus followers.

Jordan hosts the Globally Top Rate “Blaze Your Own Trail” Podcast where he interviews people who have blazed their own trail in business and life. 


07:15 “Adversity gives us strength because you get to look through a lens that most people won’t ever see-through.” – Jordan Mendoza

07:46 “Bitterness distorts your perspective of what reality is.” – Daniel Gomez

09:20 “Being comfortable is a great feeling. But if you don’t move, there’s no way you can create the momentum that you need to get whatever it is that you want to go after.” – Jordan Mendoza

11:11 “It’s okay to live your life to the fullest. It’s okay to be yourself.” – Jordan Mendoza

11:28 “A big unlock in life is when you can get to a point where you could care less about what anyone else thinks about you and just live your life.” – Jordan Mendoza

18:14 “You have more opportunities and possibilities in front of you and you have more skill set than you realize. But you have to stop focusing and playing the victim.” – Daniel Gomez

19:29 “When you’re angry, you’re holding the sin and you’re literally killing yourself because you’re not able to move forward.” – Jordan Mendoza

19:47 “Without momentum, you can’t create any consistency that will turn into habits that will turn into results over time. Bitterness keeps you stuck, it keeps you stagnant.” – Jordan Mendoza

20:20 “Instability creates stability… If you’re helping to be on firm ground, you’re never going to learn enough.” – Jordan Mendoza

23:31 “Any business or entrepreneur will have instability. That’s what will help you grow and become more resourceful.” – Daniel Gomez

26:41 “There’s no better freedom than to have everything fall on you but being okay with that, and knowing that it’s never truly a loss.” – Jordan Mendoza

29:45 “If you’ve got some skill sets, go put them to practice. And when you can show that you can fill a gap in the marketplace, then that’s when you can start monetizing.” – Jordan Mendoza

31:02 “Every small step you take is going to elevate you.” – Daniel Gomez

34:58 “Your goal should only be to inspire one person a day…Focus on impacting that  one person.” – Jordan Mendoza

36:55 “Sometimes our perspective isn’t always the right one. It’s not always the wrong one either. But it might be different. We might need to get someone else’s opinion or feedback on something.” – Jordan Mendoza

42:56 “The struggle might be real but every struggle has a free gift called a lesson.” – Jordan Mendoza

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