
February 24, 2022

Special Episode: Do You Have What It Takes to be a Keynote Speaker? with Tony Pollard

Do you have what it takes to be a keynote speaker? In this special episode, Daniel sits with speaker, author, and inspirational strategist, Tony Pollard to discuss what it means and what it takes to be a professional, paid, keynote speaker.
February 22, 2022

How These Underrated Techniques Will Help You Succeed in ANYTHING with Jay Maymi

There are so many things that go into being an entrepreneur. Learn how to craft a clever strategy for every battle you face as Daniel sits with speaker, author, Empowerment Specialist, and thriving entrepreneur, Jay Maymi.
February 15, 2022

Creating Your Reality with a Clever Mindset: Tactical Steps to Overcome Difficulties with Nick Uresin

Too often, we look at difficulties in our lives as setbacks and think we are stuck. We start with our mindset because as we will learn from our guest, Nick Uresin, Founder of Argometrix and Host of Amazon Legends Podcast, “Everything we are experiencing is a mindset.”
February 6, 2022

Why You Should Go and Hire Yourself with Zondra Evans

A lot of people want to start a business but are afraid of failure. In this episode, Daniel sits with Zondra TV’s very own Zondra Evans. Daniel and Zondra talk about the necessary steps in order to get to where you want to go, namely hiring yourself, finding your identity, doing the faith walk, being courageously intentional, and reconciling with yourself.
February 1, 2022

Bring the Energy and Charisma Into Your Biz with Luis Camejo

As a young man, Luis had to face the challenge of figuring out what it is that he really wants to do in life. Today, Luis together with his brother Luis Alfonso “Fonzi” can say they found their passion with BizBros and helping entrepreneurs through their “Content Machine”.
January 25, 2022

Be Dangerously C.U.T.E. with Jen Hardy

What do faith and fear have in common? — They both stem from things we cannot see. Master Certified NLP Coach Jen Hardy learned that the life we desire is on the other side of fear.
January 18, 2022

How to Get Out of the Excuse Zone Like a “Solutionary” with Lou Ramirez and Fred Lennartz

We’ve all been guilty of putting off something we should be doing, whether it be simple things like getting up in the morning or bigger things like pursuing our dreams. Now is the time to get out! But how?
January 10, 2022

What’s More Chase-Worthy Than Success? with Ken Joslin

Ken Joslin did not know who the guy was but a once in a lifetime opportunity was standing before him. What will he do? Ken was hesitant but determined to change his life.
January 2, 2022

Bring More Energy in Your Life and in Your Business with Collin Mitchell

Collin Mitchell is a serial entrepreneur and the host of Sales Transformation Podcast. He has founded 3 successful businesses and is currently working on his fourth. But there is more to this amazing man than meets the eye.