
May 5, 2024

From Fed Up to Fired Up— How to Stop Settling and Start Succeeding with Mills Rodgers

We've all had those moments where we reach our breaking point— where the frustration and fatigue boil over until we're fed up with our situation and ready for a change. But too often, that feeling of dissatisfaction doesn't drive us forward— it holds us back as we dwell on what's not working instead of focusing on solutions.
April 21, 2024

The Subconscious Millionaire Method: How to Rewire Your Brain for Riches with Nate Auffort

Nate Auffort is a renowned speaker who helps others shift their mindset around wealth creation and success through his SWAT training events and mindset coaching.
April 14, 2024

The Importance of Setting Up the Right Legal Structures for Your Business with Scott Reib

Legal protection is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of building a successful business. Without the proper structures in place, entrepreneurs expose not only their business but their personal assets to undue risk.
April 7, 2024

Strategies for Growth: Developing Your Brand Beyond Persona with Luke Lintz

We all want to grow, but allowing emotions to dictate choices frequently results in self-sabotage. Gaining clarity on your core values and beliefs through reflection makes acting on conviction easier. Yet developing this clarity is a challenge many face.
March 31, 2024

The Freedom Formula: Trading Hours for Legacy with Phil Duke Jr.

This week, we are joined by Phil Duke Jr., an entrepreneur and business coach. After achieving success as a top real estate agent, he transitioned to owning multiple brokerages which he scales through training new agents, allowing him greater freedom and impact.
March 24, 2024

The Secret Formula to Networking— How to Lead Discussions That Deliver Value with Marc Ebinger

Networking is one of the most effective ways for professionals to grow their careers and businesses in today's connected world. Beyond just exchanging business cards, true networking is about building genuine relationships by helping others first and foremost.
March 19, 2024

Let Go of the Past and Receive Your Future: Lessons from 4 Years and 200 Episodes

Join the celebration as Daniel shares how trusting God despite fear can lead to unexpected success, how taking inspired action can remove illusions holding us back, why we should embrace challenges, and how to receive blessings fully.
March 3, 2024

Foundations First: How Investing in Your Underpinnings Are Essential for Lasting Success

Building a strong foundation is essential for achieving lasting success. Yet too often we seek quick gains without first laying deep roots. However, lasting achievement is built not on superficial growth, but on a sturdy platform able to weather challenges over the long term and yield success not just now, but for seasons to come.
February 18, 2024

The Power of Emotional Release: Why Hiding How You Feel Endangers Your Health with Kimberly Stevens

We often slip into the habit of putting on a brave face rather than openly admitting our vulnerabilities. But beneath the surface, emotions can swirl in ways that are anything but calm.